The Soothing Sound of Water

After a summer hiatus we returned in September to a refreshing program of aquatic gardening. Our subtropical Florida island climate certainly encourages club members to give water gardening a try! So, we called in the experts. James Loper of Reflections of Nature Landscape Design spoke to the club regarding design, planting, care and maintenance. Then we heard from water lily grower, Angela Bloom.

Mr. Loper showed how a water garden could be as simple or elaborate as suits each setting or backyard. A pond can be created with materials found around most garden centers, or possibly in your own garage. Items as simple as rubber liners, pre-formed ponds, or large tubs can easily and quickly create a water accent. Elements such as fountains, waterfalls and large rocks add to blending the water garden into its surrounding environment. He stressed having a plan and choosing the right-sized plants for your space that cover no more than two-thirds of the water’s surface when mature.

Moving from the splashing water to the still peace of water lily ponds we got the nitty-gritty from water lily specialist, Angela Bloom. Angela and her husband, Bud, have been growing water lilies in Hilliard for over thirty years. This was especially appropriate for our garden club because our club symbol is the Lotus. Colloquially, the Lotus has been called the water lily. However, there is a difference. The water lily leaves and flowers are floating on the water. The Lotus leaves and flowers are emergent and rise above…as do our club members!